How & Why You Should Add Inactive Credit Unions To Your Analysis
Adding inactive credit unions to your historical analysis is a powerful way to gain insight on the historical state of the industry. Viewing historical data from currently inactive institutions is useful for pulling together strategic research to plan for possible mergers for your institution, as well as creating a more robust financial picture of a market as it was with all credit unions that had been active during a time period. Additionally, inactive data provides clarity into the complete financial state of a market as it was in a prior time, including all credit unions that were active in the period.
By adding inactive credit unions to your peer groups, you’ll be able to see them displayed in leader boards during the time they were active. You can also track these institutions in trend charts & history tables (until their date of merger). These inactive institutions can be set as your primary institution for all analysis.
How To Add Inactive Credit Unions In Peer Group Selected by Criteria
There Are Two Ways To Include Inactive Credit Unions Based On Your Analysis Goals In Peer Groups Selected by Criteria
- Option 1: Create a group of peers that are & were active based on a chosen quarter.
The quarter you select could be the most recent full quarter (which would by nature include zero inactive institutions) or a historical quarter that contains all institutions that were active at the time.
Once you save your peer group for the selected quarter, your group of credit unions will “lock in”, and the group will stay the same even if you choose to update the dates in your analysis to a time period where some of your credit unions are no longer active. In other words, if you change the cycle date on this peer group, your peers will remain the same. No inactives will be removed even if you are looking at a cycle in which they were no longer active. Also, if you set your analysis dates to an earlier period, institutions that went inactive prior to your peer groups quarter will also NOT be included. The group will always stay the same.
- When to use this option: This is the most common way to build a peer group. If you are using any financial filters (Like asset ranges, member counts, growth rates, etc.) in your peer group criteria, you will usually want to “lock in” your group for all quarters. This is because credit unions can move in and out of these financial criteria ranges at a high rate each quarter, and you trended analysis will compare inconsistently over time. In these common cases, it is best to lock in your group at the present day and NOT recalculate every quarter.
- How to use this option:
- Select the "Create New" icon on the top navigation as seen below.
- Choose "Select By Criteria" under Peer Groups
Enter your desired criteria for your peer group.
- Use the "Cycle" drop town to select a specific quarter to include any institutions whom were active during that cycle.
- As you update your cycles (time frame) on displays/charts, you may notice any institutions who become inactive will discontinue trending.
- Select the "Create New" icon on the top navigation as seen below.
- Option 2: Create a peer group that will automatically re-calculate the list of included credit union in your peer group in each quarter on the fly, while performing active analysis. For this group type, the credit unions that comprise your peer group will change in each quarter, and therefore you can be looking at data for a different list of credit unions in two consecutive quarters on the same graph, chart, or table. As you toggle your cycle period, your peer group will change to show only institutions who were active during the cycle.
- When to use this option: If your peer group is being built using ONLY geographic filters (counties, states, regions, the whole country), use the "Calculate each cycle” option under cycle. This group will then show you a history of all institutions that existed in the region in any period of time, thereby giving you a better picture of the entire state of the industry over time.
This peer group type is also useful for tracking specific top-level questions. For example: “What has been the state of credit union credit card industry over time?”. In this case you aren’t necessarily looking for a set list of credit unions. You are actually looking for the industry’s total credit card portfolio. A re-calculating peer group will allow you to active track the entire industry portfolio in all quarters. - How to use this option:
- When to use this option: If your peer group is being built using ONLY geographic filters (counties, states, regions, the whole country), use the "Calculate each cycle” option under cycle. This group will then show you a history of all institutions that existed in the region in any period of time, thereby giving you a better picture of the entire state of the industry over time.
Select the "Create New" icon on the top navigation as seen below.2. Select "Select By Criteria" under Peer Groups
Select "Select By Criteria" under Peer Groups
Enter your desired criteria for your peer group.
Select "Calculate each cycle"
How To Add Inactive Credit Unions To A Peer Group Selected by Institution
- Click on your desired custom peer group on the top navigation to open the edit module.
- Search for your desired credit union that is no longer active, or or upload your own list manually.
- Click “Save” to see your updated peer groups & start analyzing new data!