Understanding Peer Suite's Merger Analysis Resources

Peer Suite's Merger Analysis Section is a collections of resources dedicated to aid your team in evaluating merger opportunities. Within this section, you'll find a range of built-in templates crafted to streamline the merger assessment process, enabling you to make informed decisions and shape your merger strategy.

Jump to a section to learn more about Peer Suite's Merger Analysis:

Merger Analysis is exclusively available to Peer Premium & Peer Plus. If you're interested in learning more about this tool for your credit union please let us know.

Setting Up Your Analysis

Before diving into the Merger Analysis section, we highly recommend adding the institutions you’re merging to your comparison set with your hypothetical merged institution as your primary. This ensures that your displays show the hypothetical merged credit union as well as each of the potential merger participants.

For Example:

Looking for step-by-step instruction for creating your own hypothetical merger? Follow this easy how-to guide on creating your own merger scenario.

Peer Pointer!

To project the merged institution, Peer combines the account codes for the various line items; in an actual merger, certain items will have different weightings and will be re-priced as determined by NCUA and financial accounting guidelines.

Merger Scorecard

The Merger Scorecard can provide insight into how the combined financials of a hypothetical merged institution would look.

Here you will find key ratios which allow you to assess the financial position and performance of both institutions on an individual basis, as well as for the hypothetical merged institution.

Institution Profile

While projecting the financial landscape of a merger is crucial, understanding how the merging institutions align in other aspects adds substantial value to the assessment.

The Institution Profile helps to fill in these gaps with three distinct displays:

Electronic Financial Services & Delivery Channels: Examine alignment and variance in member service offerings.

Members: Visualize potential changes in membership post-merger.

Infrastructure & Offerings: Quickly compare branch counts and shared branching involvement.

Key Merger Metrics & More

Key Merger Metrics: This folder contains five curated displays, providing a high-level overview of crucial merger analysis topics.

Dive deeper with numerous pre-built displays housed within the Merger Analysis Section, covering a wide range of essential topics such as Growth Rates, Lending, Deposits, Income and Expenses, Capital, and Staffing Metrics.

Peer Suite's Merger Analysis resources are indispensable tools for credit unions engaging in market research or embarking on their own merger journey. It offers essential insights to navigate the market successfully, empowering credit unions to drive sustainable growth in an ever-evolving landscape.

Ready to get started on your own Merger?

Click here to view the step-by-step guide.

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