Sharing a Custom Peer Group (Classic Peer)

Peer-to-Peer allows you to share custom peer groups with other users.

To begin open the 'Select Primary and Comparisons' screen by selecting the comparison set drop down at the top left of the screen. Select 'Change Set' and then click the ‘Manage Peer Groups’ button located on the right of the window.

Click on the peer group you would like to share and select “Send.”

On the next screen you have the option to look through a list of users and select who you would like to share with, or provide the email addresses of users you would like to share with.

Once you have made your selections click “Share”.

The users you have shared with will need to log out and log back in before they will be able to use the peer group which will now show up under peer groups in the select primary and comparison set window.

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