Are your consumer loan trends mirroring the nationwide market, or is it unique to your geographical area?

Does your credit unions' consumer loans reflect nationwide trends? Or is your loan portfolio unique to your CU? Analyzing your consumer loans trends along with your peers can help you answer questions like these and craft business decisions that best benefit your credit union.

1. Select primary

To get started, make sure your primary is your credit union. Learn more about selecting your primary here.

2. Create custom peer group OR select from built-in asset-based PGs

Institution-Based Peer Group

If you would like to create a peer group by selecting individual institutions read our page here.

Criteria-Based Peer Group

If you would like to create a peer group by selecting institutions based on criteria read our page here.

Uploading a Peer Group

If you would like to upload a premade peer group read our page here.

Selecting From Built in PG's

To use Peer Plus's built in Peer Groups, simply navigate to the top right of the screen and select the search box with the text "Search for a credit union, peer group, bank, or merger"

Select the search box and click the Peer Groups tab. Here you will find all of your custom peer groups as well as Peer+ built-in ones. Scroll down the list and select the peer group that you would like to compare to your primary.

3. Search left side consumer products you’d like to analyze

Using the search bar located in the top left of your screen, search for consumer products you would like to analyze. Use key words such as "auto" or "credit card" to find the displays you are looking for.

4. Create a dashboard of consumer products to view all at-a-glance

When you find the display you are looking for, click on it to view the data. If you would like to view multiple displays at once and create a dashboard, drag and drop subsequent displays on to the "canvas" which is the area in the middle of your screen.

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