Using Color Palettes in Peer Suite

Whether you want to enhance your reports with branded colors or personalize your workspace, Peer Suite's Color Palette Builder makes it easy. Here's how to get started:

Accessing the Color Palette Builder:

From the Create Dropdown: Locate the Create dropdown menu at the top of your screen.

From the Settings Dropdown: Find the settings dropdown in the upper right corner of your screen.

Building A Custom Palette:

      • Palette Creation: Click on "Add Palette" positioned at the upper right corner of the Palette Builder to start crafting your custom palette.
      • Select Colors: Choose colors from the provided spectrum or input specific color (HEX) codes to match your brand. Utilize the plus icon to add additional colors slots, if needed.
      • Name Your Palette: Assign a name to your newly created palette.
      • Apply Your Color Scheme: Once satisfied with your selections, click on "Choose Palette" to apply your custom colors to all Peer Suite displays.

Peer Pointer!

If you have more institutions in your comparison set than colors in your custom palette, they will begin to repeat.

Exploring Default and Alternative Options:

  • Built-In Palettes Tab: If you wish to revert to Peer Suite's default colors or switch to a built-in grayscale option, simply navigate to the "Built-In" Palettes tab. Here, you can choose between a variety if of presets to suit your preferences.

Check out other ways to personalize your displays in this guide: Peer Suite's Toolbar & Display Modification Guide

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