Callahan's Star Rating System Legend


For each metric, Peer looks at the range of performance across the credit unions in your peer group comparison set. Star ratings are assigned based on the performance percentile as follows:

  • 1 star = <10%
  • 2 stars = 11-39%
  • 3 stars = 40-60 %
  • 4 stars = 61-89%
  • 5 stars = 90+ %

The star-ranking system might seem to indicate that one credit union’s performance is better than another’s – and in many cases, that distinction can be made. However, for some ratios (ex. Net Worth) more stars just means that you are in a higher percentile for that ratio. In fact, some might argue that having too high a net worth ratio means a credit union isn’t investing enough back in the membership or the future.

A Word On Our Calculations

Peer uses a percentile comparison calculation and ranks your credit union relative to the performance of the other credit unions and peer groups in your comparison set – at the specified point in time. In general, this approach offers insightful takeaways and observations about the performance of the credit union. As the rating is generated based on a credit union’s performance in the most recent quarter, one should also evaluate historical trends to understand true performance.

While we realize that this is not a perfect system, we feel that this is the best method for generating the most accurate ratings for the majority of credit unions in the country.

Accessing this Feature

To get started, navigate to Built-in Templates > Dashboards, then select your dashboard of choice.

Each display located in this area will include the star ranking system.

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