Market Overview Summary Statistics
Below the Market Overview Map you'll find three tables that provide more detail on your selected market(s).
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Market Overview
Market Share Reporting includes a summary of total institutions, branches, and demographic data for your selected market.
Data reflects the below for all counties included in all markets in the comparison set. If you have multiple markets, those counties are grouped as one aggregate market for the below:
- # CUs: Count of credit unions headquartered in the total aggregate market.
- # Banks: Count of banks headquartered in counties in the total aggregate market.
- # Branches: Count of branches located in counties in the total aggregate market.
- Total Population: Total population. Sum for all counties in the total aggregate market. Source: US Census American Community Survey 5-Year 2019.
- Population over 18: Total population over 18. Sum for all counties included in the total aggregate market. Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2019 5-Year Estimates
- Unemployment Rate: Sum of all Employed divided by sum of all persons in Labor Force. The labor force includes all people 16 and over who are either employed or actively seeking work. Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2019 5-Year Estimates
- Median Income: Average of the county-level median income. Aggregate median income is not available and is therefore averaged for the counties included, for which median income is available. Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2019 5-Year Estimates
- Survival Budget: Average of county-level survival budgets. Survival budget calculates the annual income required to cover basic cost of living for the average household, including taxes, transportation, food, childcare, healthcare, housing, and other necessities. Source: Economic Policy Institute, Callahan & Associates.
Mortgage Originations (HMDA)
Market Share Reporting includes a summary of mortgage origination activity in your selected market.
Peer Pointer!
Viewing HMDA data in Peer-to-Peer allowed you to view an institution's 2020 HMDA activity. Market Share Reporting refines that activity to the geographies included in your market.
Any markets included in your comparison set are aggregated and shown in the table below the Market Overview map. Data reflects the below for all counties included in all markets in the comparison set. If you have multiple markets, those counties are grouped as one aggregate market for the below:
- $ 1st Funded: Total amount of all loans originated in the HMDA reporting year.
- # 1st Granted: Total number of loans originated in the HMDA reporting year.
- Avg. 1st Mrtg: Average value of loans funded in the HMDA reporting year.
- Median Home Value: Average of the county-level median home value. Aggregate median home value is not available and is therefore averaged for the counties included, for which median income is available.
- Ownership Rate: Average of the county-level home ownership rate. Aggregate median home value is not available and is therefore averaged for the counties included, for which median income is available. Calculated using: # of owner-occupied housing units divided by # of occupied housing units or households.
- Primary’s Share: Apps: Primary institution's share of all applications in the aggregate market.
- Primary’s Share: Granted: Primary institution's share of all loans originated in the aggregate market.
- Total CU Market Share: Total share of all loans originated in the aggregate market originated by credit unions.
- Largest Lender ($): Largest lender in the aggregate market by total value of originated loans.
Deposit Dynamics
You will also find a summary of deposit dynamics in Market Share Reporting. This table includes details related branch counts and deposit growth data for your selected market(s).
Data reflects the below for all counties included in all markets in the comparison set. If you have multiple markets, those counties are grouped as one aggregate market for the below:
- Total Bank Branches: Count of bank branches located in the total aggregate market.
- Total Bank Deposits: Sum of deposits for bank branches located in the total aggregate market.
- Total CU Branches: Count of credit union branches located in the total aggregate market.
- Total CU Deposits*: Sum of deposits for credit union branches located in the total aggregate market.
- *Note: Credit unions do not report branch-level deposits. Branch-level deposits are calculated by dividing total deposits by the number of branches.
- Total CU Market Share: Share of total branch deposits in the total aggregate market held by credit unions.
- Annual Market Growth: Year-over-year growth in deposits for branches located in the total aggregate market.