How to Edit a Built-In Display

Are you struggling to find the perfect built-in display to match your reporting needs? Instead of starting from scratch, leverage Peer Suite's extensive collection of over 300 pre-built templates and customize them to suit your requirements.

Learn more about each option by following the below links to jump to that section:

  • Creating A Copy: When pre-built displays don't quite meet your requirements but starting anew seems overwhelming, the "Create Copy" feature is your solution. This option empowers you to replicate a Callahan Template and unlocks the ability to modify its included account codes and formulas.
  • Display Modifications: Do you have a pre-built display that nearly hits the mark, containing all of the metrics you’re looking for, but could use a touch of personalization? Peer Suite's Display Modifications could be just what you need.

Creating a Copy for Customization

The best solution for adding or removing metrics, as well as changing the display category (e.g., from a trend to composition chart), is to create a copy of the built-in display.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the display you wish to modify.
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, open the 'More Options' Menu (indicated by three dots).
  3. Select 'Copy & Edit' from the drop-down.

This generates a copy of the selected display, enabling you to customize it according to your specifications. The copied display will be available under 'My Displays' in your left navigation.

Peer Pointer!

Remember, when you create a copy of a display, an independent version is generated from the original. You are now responsible for maintaining this version should the raw codes change.

Editing Your Displays

Please note that only copied or custom displays can be edited. Follow these steps to edit a display:

  • Click on the chart or table you wish to edit from My Displays
  • Select the 'Edit' icon from your Toolbar.

  • The Create/Edit panel will open, allowing you to make any desired changes.
  • Save your edits or click 'X' to exit.

This process is the same whether you're editing a copied display or a custom display you created from scratch. Refer to our full guide on Custom Display How-Tos for more information.

Display Modifications

For fine-tuning chart settings without altering formulas or display categories, the Toolbar and Formatting Window provide user friendly options. Here's how:

Utilize the Toolbar at the top of the canvas to make changes.

Use this guide to explore all of the available modifications within the Toolbar.

On individual display's the Toolbar also grants access to the Formatting Window.

Learn more about the modifications available Here.

Other Personalization options include:

Your journey to mastering built-in display editing with Peer Suite is now complete! Armed with the knowledge of creating copies, making edits, and implementing modifications, you're ready to transform pre-built templates into personalized visual masterpieces. Embrace your creativity and continue to elevate your reporting with Peer Suite.

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