Step 1: Setting Up Your Comparison Set

Your comparison set plays a crucial role in enabling you to research credit unions and the industry. It can comprise of individual institutions, like your clients or prospects, as well as groups of credit unions (known as peer groups within Peer Suite). Peer groups can be set up to represent specific prospect or client lists. Peer groups can also be used to identify territories, conduct market research, and for peer benchmarking. Learn more on how to create your own custom peer groups here: guide on creating a criteria based peer group.

In Peer Suite your Comparison Set is broken into a few parts.

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Comparison Set

Primary Institutions

Comparison Set

Your Comparison Set is the group of credit unions or peer groups, that you want to evaluate. 

How to Add or Remove Institutions from your Comparison Set

Add items: Use search and scroll features in the comparison search bar, found on the right side of the screen. Once you locate your desired institution, click on it to include it in your comparison set.

Remove items: Click the 'X' located on right side on an institution's pill to remove it from your comparison set. If you only have one pill in your comparison set you will not be able to remove it.

Primary Institutions

Your primary is the credit union or peer group that you’ll be comparing against other credit union and groups’ performance within your comparison set. . 

Your primary institution can be identified as the dark blue pill in the first position of your comparison set as seen above. All displays will show data for this institutions. If you wish to analyze data for another credit union or group using a non-comparative display, you'll need to change your primary.

How to Change Your Primary

  • To change your primary institution in Peer Suite, drag and drop another clear 'pill' from your comparison set to replace the current dark blue primary. You can also use drag-and-drop functionality to rearrange institutions and groups in your comparison set.

Peer Pointer!

Changing the order of your comparison set will be reflect in your displays as well.

  • To add addition institutions (not yet in your comparison set), use the comparison search, type the name, and select from matches under the appropriate grouping. Clicking on an institution or group in the search adds it to your set, and you can then drag and drop it to the first position if you want it as your primary

Peer Pointer!
Once you've added an institution or group to your comparison set it will no longer appear in the comparison search.

Temporary Primary Institutions

If you would like to study data for an institution other than your current primary, try using the temporary primary feature in Peer Suite. Single-click on the pill of the institution or comparison group you’d like to examine more closely, its color will change to dark blue, and primary-only displays will now reflect data for that institution. This creates a temporary primary. As the name implies, this change is temporary. Next time you access Peer Suite the leftmost institution in your comparison set will revert to your primary.

Peer Pointer!
The temporary primary feature is useful for updating displays to see information for that institution or to quickly analyze multiple institutions using a non-comparative display.
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